Monday, May 21, 2007

Countess duBarry sends her regrets...

The Countess has been very busy lately and has not had time to post in this blog.
But don't's not because she hasn't been having some fun!

She just has had a lot of things going the DreamBoy's Cabaret.

If you missed the show, it's your loss. It was a blast! The fabulous Bennett sang a few songs.

There also was the Great Gatsby Revival at Rosecliff Mansion. Another fun night!

The Countess Bedelia might have been there!

More adventures to come! Tune in for the next update.

Wednesday, February 7, 2007

The Partys Over

Well here we are on Wednesday morning ,one more day and back to Newport to the COLD. I just wanted to thank some people for making the Party at the Palace a great one. First I must thank Mrs. Astor for all she did to bring the party to full swing. We were on the phone everyday for weeks in the planning, and I thank her for that. And there is Black and Tan who carted me around with my Jeweled cane to put the party together when I arrived here in Miami.

I hope everyone had a good time I know I sure did.

Until next time everyone hold you Tieara High!!!

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

On The Beach at Last

Well I arrived here Tuesday afternoon. After being pulled over by airport police with 32 tiaras in tow, I made it.

It was so nice to see Mark and Alexis at The Palace for afternoon tea. I took a look at the new back room for the party this weekend and it looks great.

I have come down with an old family ailment called the Gout. They say its a rich man's disease, like rich foods. I think it is just stress. The Mrs. Astor has put on her Red Cross uniform and is coming to help me. Hopefully I will be up and running tonight.