Wednesday, April 2, 2008

The Will

 Last Will And Testament 
The Late Countess du Barry

Being of sound mind and body I leave all my Jewelry and Furs to
Mr. Peter Barry of Newport Rhode Island.

I leave the Royal Tiaras to Countess Bedelia and that woman in Miami Beach
The Mrs. Astor for reasons they are well aware of.

May all the memories of the Countess du Barry stay close to your hearts
Remember her for all the good times and all the laughs.

The Late Countess du Barry


Anonymous said...

....can't be right....she was never "of sound mind"......

Officer Brian said...

Rest in miserable bitch.

Alexis du Bois said...

"That woman in Miami Beach"...

The nerve.

Countess Bedelia said...

I think that duBarry could have left Mr. B one itsy bitsy little teeny tiny tiara, don't you?