Friday, December 8, 2006

Sad Times

A dear friend Bob Graham passed away last night. He was the partner of my good friend Barbara Peters. Bob was a great guy. His love for his family and friends, the outdoors, and a good game of golf was what made him the most happy.
We should all be so lucky as to go out one night like Bob and Barbara did, have a great time, and then go home and get"Called Back". What a way to go. We should all be so lucky. Take it from me, life is too short. Live each day like it is your last.
Bob will sure be missed. We just had dinner last week. He gave me a great new way to make shrimp cocktail sauce. I think I will use it on Christmas Eve.
My beloved Mother passed away two years ago Saturday. I miss her every day. She is on my mind now more than ever for the Holidays. Christmas was her time of year. We made Christmas cookies together every year. I did it alone this year but it was just not the same.
My Blog screen will be black for a few days. Have a great weekend.


Countess Bedelia said...

Sorry to hear this news. We can have an Irish wake on Sunday. I think we both need it.

p.s. I'm doing my neck exercises as I type!!

Ian Gutierrez said...

oh sweety, I´m so sorry about your loss... and indeed, CARPE DIEM!



Officer Brian said...

My Peter,

You and my Countess have shown me so much strength and adversity when it comes to losing such important people in our lives. All I can say is I live by what you have said time and time again. Live for today. I love you!


In regards to this Sunday at Mo's "I'll need six bottles of scotch and three bottle of gin, same brands!"

Alexis du Bois said...

Yes, this is when we remember all those we lost; it's why Decemer is not at all happy.

And, please dear, don't go black; deep purple will do.